Landscaping for Cheap


It’s the time of year to start pulling your yard together by updating your landscaping! To some it may seem too expensive but here are some really easy ways to use your resources. While it can be costly, here are some ways to cut those costs:

Free Stuff

Some cities may be willing to give you trees to plant in your yard in an agreement that you maintain it. Edmond has an Urban Forestry Department and Oklahoma City a Parks & Recreation Department.  They are responsible for the landscaping in the city and your home is part of the city!

If you have friends that are gardening, ask to trade cuttings or exchange seeds to diversify your landscaping.

If you already have your yard designed, in may be okay to put some gloves on yourself and simply trim it and rake up. This will save you lots of money and you can enjoy some time outside before it gets too hot!

Be Water Conscious

To keep water bills low, find plants that are drought-resistant to keep up through the hot Oklahoma summer!


Save money on fertilizer by creating your own compost bin! Not only is this a great way to dispose of your food waste but it’s full of vitamins and nutrients to keep your landscape healthy.

Join the National Arbor Day Society

For $10, become a member of the National Arbor Day Society and receive 10 trees shipped to you at no further cost. This is a great, cheap way to get some saplings to start growing in your yard.

Increase Your Home Value

The Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association’s survey shows that a landscaped yard increases property value by around 14%. Specifically important was the landscaped patio, increasing home value by 12.4%. Consider it merely an investment in your house like updating your kitchen!

Hopefully these landscaping tips will motivate you to get out there and enjoy this great sunshine and fix up your yard. Whether you’re preparing for spring, to buy a house or to sell your house, updating your landscaping can be affordable and can be beneficial regardless of the hard work.

How do you plan to spruce up your yard this spring?

Kara Moore